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WHAT AGES DO YOU TEACH SWIMMING LESSONS?Keri (Birmingham) teaches students age 6 month through adult. Gail (Milledgeville) teaches students age 9 month through adult. Children under the age of 3 must have a parent (or babysitter or guardian) with them in the water for the lesson. Infants must be able to hold their head up well before beginning swimming lessons. (This is a great article about baby and toddler swim classes and what to expect: ARTICLE Adult lessons are taught privately. The small group lesson is almost always the best option for children, however we do have some private lesson options although they are limited.
WHAT IS THE COST FOR SWIMMING LESSONS?Group Lessons are 5 students and 2 teachers. They last 45 minutes each. The cost is $36.25 per day and the sessions are typically 4 days in a row. ($145 for the 4-day sessions) Private Lessons are 1 student and 1 teacher. They cost $40 for a 30 minute lesson and $80 for a 60 minute lesson. (Gail and Keri will allow 2 students in a private lesson. Please let Gail or Keri know if you have an additional person as part of the private lesson.)
DO YOU OFFER PRIVATE LESSONS?Yes :) ~ Private lessons are a great option for the following: 1) a child over the age of 10 2) a person (child or adult) with a disability or specific need 3) all adults learning to swim 4) adults wanting to learn or improve their strokes. ~ I recommend signing up for 3-4 private lessons. If you decide you need or want more after that, we can get them scheduled. ~ I am willing to have two individuals in a private lesson. There is no extra charge for the additional person. Please simply put both names on the form when you sign up online. ~ Private lessons are 30 minutes each. The cost is $30 per 30 minute lesson. ~At this time, I have very limited time available for private lessons. (Fridays mostly). I do not teach on weekends.
HOW MANY STUDENTS ARE IN A CLASS?5 students, 2 teachers Each child gets LOTS of swim time and plenty of one-on-one time with an instructor. The classes are not for adult or teen lessons. Adults, teens, and older children should book a private lesson.
CAN I STAY AND WATCH MY CHILD DURING SWIM LESSONS?Most children do better when their parent is not present. Obviously, in a Parent-Child class (Baby Swim), a parent (or other adult) is required to stay and swim with us. For all other classes (ages 3 and older), I recommend parents leave for the lesson as your presence can be distracting to the child. With this said, I know that every child and circumstance is different. If there is a reason you need/want to stay for the swimming lesson and watch, you may! Some children do better if you are present. Please message us ahead of time and let us know if you plan to stay so that we will be expecting you and can give you some instruction on what seems to work best when parents are present. At the end of each lesson and especially on the last day of lessons for the week, we will want you to arrive a few minutes early at the end of the lesson so we can show off our swimming skills! :)
HOW LONG DOES A LESSON LAST?Group Lessons: 4-5 consecutive days at 45 minutes per session (You may sign up for multiple weeks. See the registration schedule for more specific information) Private Lessons: 30 minutes (You may sign up for as many as you'd like. I recommend 3-5 lessons for adults (we can always add more lessons as needed), & older children teens learning to swim. I do not recommend private lessons for younger children unless that child has a disability.)
DO YOU TEACH CLASSES AFTER WORK HOURS FOR WORKING PARENTS?Yes. Keri & Katie (in Birmingham) do have after work hour classes available. Please check the schedule to see the times and options. Unfortunately, I am not able to offer as many options for families where mom and dad both work outside the home. Afternoon thunderstorms often force us to cancel our afternoon and evening classes ... and there aren't enough afternoon and evening hours before dark to fit everyone in. Hopefully, there will be dates/weeks that work for you :)
WHAT WILL I/MY CHILD LEARN/DO IN A LESSON?It depends on the age of the swimmer. -Baby Swim Class (children under 3 years of age): This is a parent-child class and is as important for the parent as it is for the child (maybe moreso). We will use toys, games, and songs to accomplish the following: comfort in the water, teach your child to hold his or her breath when going under the water, kicking, arm movement, and back float... along with many other important water safety skills. As the parent, you will learn how to continue teaching your baby and toddler to swim, float, and be safe in and around the water. -Ages 3 and older (beginner swimmers): We use games and other fun activities to teach children to swim correctly (in a good swimming position and with correct arm strokes). We teach the breast stroke and crawl stroke first. They will learn to backfloat, maneuver in the water, and many other water safety skills. -Age 5 and older Non-beginner children: We will work on perfecting their strokes, correctly taking a breath while swimming, learn new strokes and kicks, treading water, and many other skills which help your swimmer become proficient and safe in and around the water. -Adults and Teens: Wherever you are in your swimming ability (if you are at ground zero or if you already swim but need coaching in your strokes or skills), I will work with you until you are swimming like a fish! :)
HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE TO TEACH ME/MY CHILD TO SWIM?That depends on many different factors. For children: personality, development and coordination play a part in how long it takes a child to learn to swim. Fear is also huge factor. A person can not learn to swim until he or she is willing to put their face in the water and can learn to hold their breath. For the most part, if a child is over the age of three and unafraid of putting their eyes/face in the water for 5-10 seconds, I can usually teach them to swim very quickly! Every person is different, however. We try to challenge each swimmer wherever they are in the swim process. I recommend signing your child up for 2 (or even 3) weeks of swim lessons unless they are already a good swimmer. If they are swimming well, 1 week is often sufficient (or 3-5 private lessons) so we can simply work on his or her strokes, breathing, and other safety skills. If signing up for multiple weeks of lessons, it is fine to choose consecutive weeks... however... Sometimes, it works out better to have a week in between so you can provide some opportunity for practice between weekly lessons.
WHAT IF IT IS RAINING FOR MY LESSON?If it is only raining, we will continue with the lesson. If there is lightning within 5 miles, we will have to postpone, cancel, or reschedule. I will try my best to notify you via text or email if a lesson is canceled due to weather. Please extend lots of grace. Navigating swim lessons and thunder storms is a tricky business!
HOW MANY LESSONS SHOULD WE SIGN UP FOR?A group session consists of 4 consecutive 45 minute lessons. -For Baby Swim, 1 week is often enough for parents to learn what they need to know in order to continue working with their 6 month-2 year old on swimming and floating skills. -For children 3-8 years, 2 (or 3) weeks is recommended unless your child is already swimming well and only needs to work on improving strokes, breathing, and other safety skills. -For adults, teens, and older children, and all ages of children with disabilities, Private Lessons are the better option. 3-4 private lessons is recommended. We can always book more lessons as needed.
CAN WE CANCEL LESSONS FOR A REFUND?We require 1 weeks' notice if you need to cancel swim lessons. There is a transaction fee that I am charged for the cancellation and I do pass that charge on to you. (It's around $7-$12.) If your child is sick for the lesson, we can try and reschedule but no guarantee. Please let me know as soon as possible if you/your child needs to cancel for sickness and I can try fill the slot with another student if I have time to do so. If I am able to do this then I will gladly refund you. :). Thanks
HOW DO I REGISTER FOR CLASSES?Birmingham classes: The link will be available on the registration page of this website beginning February 1. You can register and pay online. If you are an adult seeking lessons and all classes are full, message me and I will try to work you in for private lessons when I can. :) Milledgeville classes: Gail will have instructions on the registration page under the Milledgeville, Georgia heading. Registration will open 2/1/22
WHICH CLASS SHOULD I SIGN MY CHILD UP FOR?Many times a child is just about to have a birthday... or has JUST had a birthday... and parents are having a difficult time figuring out which class to sign up for. Don't stress about it too much! It's almost always safe to go with the younger age group when deciding. But sometimes a child is coordinated, mature enough, and ready for the older group! So- I trust your judgement as the parent to choose the best class for your child. After the first day, if the class is not a good fit, I can talk to you about options for him or her. Hope this helps! :) The strokes classes are only for children who are already swimming and need to learn correct strokes and breathing. If your child is not swimming independently with their face in the water, please do not sign up for a strokes class.
CAN ALL MY CHILDREN BE IN ONE SWIM CLASS TOGETHER?Although I know that would probably be the most convenient thing for you as a parent (driving them to me and entertaining the siblings while each child has a lesson), trying to put all of your children in one class may not be what is best for them. Children often do best when they are in a small group of peers (not siblings) as they try to learn or improve a skill. Also, a 2 year old and a 5 year old have very different needs and abilities when it comes to swimming (even if they have equal levels of fear or bravery). So... unless the siblings are very close in age - or are twins/triplets - I do not recommend trying to fit them all in the same class. Although it may be hard to juggle, I believe you will see much better results if you will sign them up for their age group (or close to it).
WILL YOU COME TO SOMEONE ELSE'S HOME TO TEACH LESSONS?Gail (classes in Milledgeville, Georgia) does sometimes come to people's homes to teach lessons. Contact her if interested. Keri (classes in Birmingham, Alabama) teaches solely from her home in Homewood. She is not able to teach at other locations.
WHAT IS THE SCHEDULE FOR 2025-26?April 1-3, 7-11, 14-17, 28 ($40) (Keri) 10-10:30 – private swim 10:35-11:05 – private swim 11:10-11:40 – private swim 11:45-12:15 – private swim 12:20-12:50 – private swim 12:55-1:25 – private swim 1:30-2:00 – private swim 2:05-2:35 – private swim May 1, 5-9, 12-14, ($40) (Keri) 10-10:30 – private swim 10:35-11:05 – private swim 11:10-11:40 – private swim 11:45-12:15 – private swim 12:20-12:50 – private swim 12:55-1:25 – private swim 1:30-2:00 – private swim 2:05-2:35 – private swim ##School’s Out! Group Lessons Begin!## June 2-5 ($145) #kidlife week# (Keri) 2:00-2:45 – 3-4 Year Old Swim - 5 3:00-3:45 – 4-5 Year Old Swim - 5 4:00-4:45 – 5-6 Year Old Swim - 5 5:00-5:45 – 3-4 Year Old Swim - 5 6:00-6:45 – 6-8 Year Old Swim - 5 June 9-12 ($145) (Keri) 2:00-2:45 – 5-7 Year Old Beginner Strokes Class - 5 3:00-3:45 – 7-10 Year Old Intermediate Strokes Class - 5 4:00-4:45 – 3-4 Year Old Swim - 5 5:00-5:45 – 4-5 Year Old Swim - 5 6:00-6:45 – Baby Swim – 5 June 16-19 ($145) (Keri) 2:00-2:45 – Baby Swim * - 5 3:00-3:45 – 4-5 Year Old Swim - 5 4:00-4:45 – 7-10 Year Old Intermediate Strokes Class - 5 5:00-5:45 – 3-4 Year Old Swim - 5 6:00-6:45 – 5-6 Year Old Swim - 5 June 23-26 ($145) (Keri) 2:00-2:45 – 7-10 Year Old Intermediate Strokes Class - 5 3:00-3:45 – 3-4 Year Old Swim - 5 4:00-4:45 – 4-5 Year Old Swim - 5 5:00-5:45 – 5-7 Year Old Swim - 5 6:00-6:45 – Baby Swim * - 5 (Katie) 9:00-9:45 – Baby Swim * - 5 10:00-10:45 – 4-5 Year Old Swim - 5 11:00-11:45 – 5-7 Year Old Swim - 5 12:00-12:45 –3-4 Year Old Swim - 5 1:00-1:45 – 6-8 Year Old Beginner Strokes Class – 5 June 6 ($40) (Keri) 1:00-1:30 – private swim 1:35- 2:05 – private swim 2:10-2:40 – private swim 2:45-3:15 – private swim 3:20-3:50 – private swim 3:55-4:25 – private swim 4:30-5:00 – private swim 5:05-5:35 – private swim June 13 ($40) (Keri) 1:00-1:30 – private swim 1:35- 2:05 – private swim 2:10-2:40 – private swim 2:45-3:15 – private swim 3:20-3:50 – private swim 3:55-4:25 – private swim 4:30-5:00 – private swim 5:05-5:35 – private swim June 20 ($40) (Keri) 2:00-2:30 – private swim - 1 2:35- 3:05 – private swim - 1 3:10-3:40 – private swim - 1 3:45-4:15 – private swim - 1 4:20-4:50 – private swim – 1 4:55-5:25 – private swim – 1 5:30-6:00 – private swim - 1 6:05-6:35 – private swim - 1 June 27 & 30 ($40) (Keri) 2:00-2:30 – private swim 2:35- 3:05 – private swim 3:10-3:40 – private swim 3:45-4:15 – private swim 4:20-4:50 – private swim 4:55-5:25 – private swim 5:30-6:00 – private swim 6:05-6:35 – private swim July 1 & 2 ($40) (Keri) 2:00-2:30 – private swim 2:35- 3:05 – private swim 3:10-3:40 – private swim 3:45-4:15 – private swim 4:20-4:50 – private swim 4:55-5:25 – private swim 5:30-6:00 – private swim 6:05-6:35 – private swim July 11 ($40) (Keri) 2:00-2:30 – private swim 2:35- 3:05 – private swim 3:10-3:40 – private swim 3:45-4:15 – private swim 4:20-4:50 – private swim 4:55-5:25 – private swim 5:30-6:00 – private swim 6:05-6:35 – private swim July 7-10 ($145) (Keri) 2:00-2:45 – Baby Swim - 5 3:00-3:45 – 3-4 Year Old Swim - 5 4:00-4:45 – 4-5 Year Old Swim - 5 5:00-5:45 – 5-6 Year Old Swim - 5 6:00-6:45 –6-9 Year Intermediate Strokes Class – 5 July 14-17 ($145) (Katie) 9:00-9:45 – Baby Swim - 5 10:00-10:45 – 3-4 Year Old Swim - 5 11:00-11:45 – 4-5 Year Old Swim - 5 12:00-12:45 – 5-6 Year Old Swim - 5 1:00-1:45 – 6-9 Year Beginner Strokes Class – 5 (Keri) 2:00-2:45 – Baby Swim - 5 3:00-3:45 – 7-10 Year Intermediate Strokes Class - 5 4:00-4:45 – 5-6 Year Old Swim - 5 5:00-5:45 – 4-5 Year Old Swim - 5 6:00-6:45 – 3-4 Year Old Swim - 5 July 21-24 ($145) (Katie) 9:00-9:45 – Baby Swim * - 5 10:00-10:45 – 3-4 Year Old Swim - 5 11:00-11:45 – 4-5 Year Old Swim - 5 12:00-12:45 –5-6 Year Old Swim - 5 1:00-1:45 – 6-7 Year Old Swim – 5 July 23-25 ### Wed-Fri, 3-Day Swim Session ## ($108.75) (Keri) 2:00-2:45 – 6-8 Year Old Beginner Swim - 5 3:00-3:45 – 5-6 Year Old Swim - 5 4:00-4:45 – 3-4 Year Old Swim - 5 5:00-5:45 – 7-10 Year Old Intermediate Strokes Class - 5 6:00-6:45 – Baby Swim * - 5 July 28-31 ($145) (Keri) 2:00-2:45 – 6-9 Year Old Beginner Strokes Class - 5 3:00-3:45 – 5-6 Year Old Swim - 5 4:00-4:45 – 3-4 Year Old Swim – 5 5:00-5:45 – 4-5 Year Old Swim - 5 6:00-6:45 – Baby Swim * - 5 August 1 ($40) (Keri) 2:00-2:30 – private swim - 1 2:35- 3:05 – private swim - 1 3:10-3:40 – private swim - 1 3:45-4:15 – private swim - 1 4:20-4:50 – private swim – 1 4:55-5:25 – private swim – 1 5:30-6:00 – private swim - 1 6:05-6:35 – private swim - 1 ~~Homewood School Starts 8/7~~ August 7, 8,11,12,13,18,19,20,25,26,27, ($40) (Keri) 10:00-10:30 – private swim 10:35-11:05 – private swim 11:10-11:40 – private swim 11:45-12:15 – private swim 12:20-12:50 – private swim 12:55-1:25 – private swim 1:30-2:00 – private swim September 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 29, 30 ($40) (Keri) 10:00-10:30 – private swim 10:35-11:05 – private swim 11:10-11:40 – private swim 11:45-12:15 – private swim 12:20-12:50 – private swim 12:55-1:25 – private swim 1:30-2:00 – private swim October 1,6,7,8,14,15,20,21,22,27,28,29 ($40) (Keri) 10:00-10:30 – private swim 10:35-11:05 – private swim 11:10-11:40 – private swim 11:45-12:15 – private swim 12:20-12:50 – private swim 12:55-1:25 – private swim 1:30-2:00 – private swim November 3,4, 5, 10,12,17, 18, 19 ($40) (Keri) 10:00-10:30 – private swim 10:35-11:05 – private swim 11:10-11:40 – private swim 11:45-12:15 – private swim 12:20-12:50 – private swim 12:55-1:25 – private swim 1:30-2:00 – private swim December 1, 2, 3 ($40) (Keri) 10:00-10:30 – private swim 10:35-11:05 – private swim 11:10-11:40 – private swim 11:45-12:15 – private swim 12:20-12:50 – private swim 12:55-1:25 – private swim 1:30-2:00 – private swim
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